As my family could tell you, I’m not exactly skilled at traditional sorts of workshops, which was probably evident from the bloody day I decided to juggle chisels in middle school shop class. If there’s something that needs building or fixing, and I’m your only option, then abandon all hope.
Fortunately, that’s not the type of workshop I’m here to announce. First, for those of you in Asia (or excited to visit), we’ll be holding an Organization Science one-day workshop at Singapore Management University on November 8, 2024. I will be out there, thanks to the great generosity of National University of Singapore, SMU, and INSEAD, so Gokhan and I will organize a day for scholars to learn more about the journal, publishing in general, and to get feedback on their own work. Stay tuned for more details!
Lindy Greer and Cindy Muir (Zapata) have organized a great PDW at AOM on Saturday, August 10 from 1-3pm in the Swisshotel Zurich D. The spirit of this provide opportunities for scholars to interact with editors and editorial review board members to better understand the review and publication process and how to better prepare work for submission here or to other journals. Not every scholar has the mentoring or experience what this entails, so we are hoping this can continue our quest to make the journal more diverse and inclusive. We are currently scheduled to have 15 editors and over 30 ERB members in attendance, so there will be a lot to talk about. We hope you will consider attending if this is something that could prove helpful for your career.